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How To Kill Weeds Naturally?  AND Economically?


Pulling Weeds


When pulling weeds its best to do so after a rain as the ground is softer and its much easier to pull the entire root system such that the weed will not grow back


Vinegar & Salt Mixture


One great way to tackle pesky weeds naturally is with a potent mixture of vinegar, soap and salt!   This is also a VERY economical way to create a homemade weed killer while avoiding all of the toxins in the standard high priced weed killers sold in stores.    Please note that this mixture, like other weed killers, is indiscriminant and will also kill your valued plants so be careful when using to only apply to the weeds you intend to kill.  To create this mixture use:

  • 1 Gallon of White Vinegar (you can also simply use pure vinegar)
  • 1/2 Cup Liquid Soap
  • 2 Tablespoons of Salt
  • Mix all of the ingredients together in a spray bottle and shake well
  • Spray the leaves and stems of weeds and avoid the surrounding plants.

Great to use on pesky weeds popping up between brinks on your patio and in the driveway!    

Mixture should be applied to weed leaves on a sunny day with no wind as the wind may cause the mixture to land on plants you intend to save.  Sunlight is a part of the killing process as it activates the vinegar.  Be sure to apply on a day when it is not supposed to rain.


Salt is also an effective natural weed barrier.   This is great for use in gravel pathways, brick patios, and in the driveway!  One application of salt should prevent weeds for the season.   Caution: salt will prevent everything from growing in the area in which its applied, so it’s not always the best natural weed killer in areas you want plant growth (such as use as a weed killer in the lawn as the salt will likely prevent any new grass growth in the area as well). 

Boiling Water

Apply boiling water directly to any weeds you want to kill.  As with the other methods we've talked about be careful not to pour scalding water on any other plants you'd like to keep.  


As mentioned about you can simply use pure vinegar for weed control.  You can also further recycle by using the high concentration of vinegar in the juice from a finished jar of pickles.  Otherwise you can mix equal parts water and vinegar.


Mix four cups of water and one ounce of alcohol and pour into a spray bottle.  Apply mixture to the leaves of weed while avoiding the leaves of plants you plan to keep!

Keep A Healthy Lawn

A strong and healthy lawn will choke out most weeds.  To help keep a strong lawn feed it organic fertilizers.  Learn to make your own organic fertilizers! 

Please note that as with toxic chemical weed killers, it may take several days for the tougher weeds to wither and die.  Please be patient yet persistent! 

When to Apply Natural Herbicides for the Best Results

It's best to apply any weed killer before the weeds go to seed as this will help prevent new weed growth.  Early spring is a great time to spray as weeds are smaller.  Perennial weeds, such as dandelions, are best to treat in early fall as this coincides with the natural cycle of the plant absorbing its nutrients through the leaves to feed the roots.

Sources of Information:  







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